Decoding Cannabis Laws in Canada: A Closer Look

Decoding Cannabis Laws in Canada: A Closer Look

In Canada, we have a set of rules known as the Cannabis Act (C-45) that govern the production, sale, and possession of recreational cannabis. The main goals are to educate people, protect youth, and eliminate the illegal market. Each province has its own laws to handle things locally.

The Issue at Hand:

Despite cannabis being legal, over 500,000 Canadians still carry criminal charges for activities that are now legal. It's time for some laws to catch up and make things fair for everyone.

Breaking Down the Bills:

1. Bill C-93:

This bill, passed in June 2019, offers free and speedy pardons (record suspensions) for minor cannabis possession before October 17, 2018. While it's a step in the right direction, a pardon doesn't completely erase a conviction. Some argue that an expungement, wiping the record clean, might be a fairer solution.

2. The Bigger Picture:

There's a balancing act for the government: making money from the legal cannabis industry while rectifying past mistakes. Getting a pardon can be complicated, and people are eager to see improvements in the system.

Looking Ahead:

As we approach the three-year review of cannabis laws, it's crucial to speak up and advocate for change. How can the government create a system that's fair for everyone involved? Let's join forces to ensure a transparent and just process. Your voice can make a difference!


To learn more about cannabis amnesty visit the Canadian Cannabis Amnesty Page. Please also considering contributing to the forward momentum, by signing the ‘Campaign for Cannabis Amnesty Petition.

Resource Information

Cannabis Amnesty. ‘Drop Punishment for Cannabis Users – Petition.’ (2021)

Canadian Drug Policy Coalition. ‘Drug Law Reform.’ (2021)

The Conversation. ‘The Verdict: Canada’s Legalization of Cannabis is a Success.’ (2020)

Yahoo Finance. How Canada’s Legal Pot Rules Could Change in 2021.’ (2020)

CBC News ‘Liberals Move to Grant Pardons for Old Pot Possession Convictions.’ (2019)

Global News. ‘Only 44 Canadians Have Been Given Cannabis Pardons Under the New System.’ (2019)

CBC News. ‘Incredibly Low: Only 118 Pardons Granted for Pot Possession in the First 4 Months.’ (2019)

Pardon Applications of Canada. What the New Bill C-93 Means for Pardons.’ (2019)

Government of Canada. ‘Bill C-93 – No Fee, Expedited Pardons for Simple Possessions of Cannabis.’ (2019)

Parliament of Canada. Legislative Summary of Bill C-93. (2019)

One Parliament. Bill C-93 (Historical). (2019)

Health Canada. ‘Proposed Approach to the Regulation of Cannabis.’ (2018)

Government of Canada. Cannabis in Canada - Get the Facts.’ (2018)

Government of Canada. The Cannabis Act: The Facts. (2018)

The Globe and Mail Canada. ‘Marijuana Activists Say Lots Left to Fight for as They Mark 4-20.’ (2018)

CNC News. ‘Our Collective Shame’: Trudeau Delivers Historic Apology to LGBT Canadians.’ (2017)

CBC News. ‘Cannabis Activists Prepare to fight Changes to Evolving Legislation Laws.’ (2017)

Canadian Cannabis Coalition. (2002)


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