Meet the Heroes of Canadian Cannabis Advocacy

Meet the Heroes of Canadian Cannabis Advocacy

Before cannabis became a household name in Canada, there were relentless advocates working tirelessly for access to this versatile plant. These heroes paved the way for the historic legalization on October 17, 2018, shaping the landscape of medical and recreational cannabis in Canada. Let's celebrate these remarkable individuals:

Greg Williams (aka "Marijuana Man") - Passed 2021:

A key figure in the North American Marijuana Movement, Williams played a crucial role in making cannabis seeds accessible. His groundbreaking cannabis growing videos on YouTube and operation of the Cannabis Culture Dispensary in Vancouver provided a framework for what legalization should look like. Williams faced legal challenges but remained dedicated to changing the stigma and laws surrounding cannabis.

Michelle Rainey - Passed 2010:

A true leader and light in the cannabis movement, Rainey formed the British Columbia Marijuana Party and advocated passionately for legalization. Despite facing legal troubles alongside Williams and Emery, Rainey continued her advocacy through her YouTube channel, 'Michelle’s Medical Marijuana.' Her optimism for cannabis's healing potential remained strong until her passing.

Terrance Parker - Passed 2020:

Recognized within cannabis advocacy, Parker fought a 23-year battle for the right to use medicinal cannabis. His advocacy work led to the enactment of the 'Marihuana for Medical Access Regulations (MMAR)' in 2001, allowing licensed patients to grow or access cannabis. Parker's impact on the understanding of cannabis as a medical instrument was invaluable.

Jodie Emery (aka Princess of Pot)

An esteemed cannabis rights activist and politician, Emery has been instrumental in establishing the industry's foundation. From distributing cannabis seeds to co-owning Cannabis Culture, Emery's voice has been heard at conferences, rallies, and protests, advocating for the cause regardless of risks.

Dana Larsen:

An esteemed cannabis advocate, activist, author, and politician, Larsen has been involved in various aspects of the cannabis industry. His political engagement, involvement in social events, and current efforts to destigmatize psychedelics showcase his commitment to positive change.

Abi Roach:

A trailblazer in the cannabis community for over 20 years, Roach founded Canada's first cannabis consumption lounge and has been a driving force behind legalization. Now working with the Ontario Cannabis Store, Roach continues to destigmatize cannabis culture and make quality products accessible.

Grant Krieger:

A fixture on the advocacy scene, Krieger faced legal challenges in his quest to provide medicinal cannabis to those in need. Despite convictions and serving time, Krieger remained committed to generating change and helping others with medicinal access.

Mark-Boris St-Maurice:

A musician, politician, and activist, St-Maurice campaigned for years to legalize cannabis and facilitate access for health reasons. His involvement in the early 2000s movement of decriminalization and ongoing efforts to amend minor criminal cannabis possession charges highlight his enduring commitment.

Brian Taylor (aka "Marijuana Mayor")

A medical cannabis advocate for decades, Taylor played a significant role in the British Columbia Marijuana Party and contributed to cannabis-related political parties. As the former mayor of Grand Forks, BC, Taylor continues his advocacy through 'Cannabis Health' magazine and the Cannabis Research Institute.

These individuals have left an indelible mark on the history of cannabis in Canada, and their dedication continues to inspire positive change in the industry.

Greg Williams.png


Dana Larsen. (2021)

Cannabis Health. ‘The Health of Science and Cannabis.’ (2021)

Cannabis Life Network. ‘Goodbye to Marijuana Man – Greg Williams Passes Away.’ (2021)

Cannabis Culture. ‘Marijuana Man Greg Williams.’ (2021)

Emery Seeds. (2021)

Coast Mountain News. ‘B.C. Launches Cannabis ’Navigator’ to Help Small Growers, Processors.’ (2020)

Cannabis Amnesty, Resources. ‘Amnesty Group Names Abi Roach A “Cannabis Hero.”’ (2020)

Jodie Emery. ‘Biography.’ (2018)

Politics. ‘Bloc Pot Leader Hugo St Onge Outlines Proposals for Oct. 1 Election.’ (2018)

Montreal Gazette. ‘Quebec Cannabis: Activists, Entrepreneur Disappointed with Marijuana Legislation. (2017)

MacLean’s. ‘Q&A: Marc-Boris St-Maurice on Marijuana and Justin Trudeau.’ (2013)

CTV News. ‘Prominent BC Pot Activist Succumbs to Cancer.’ (2010)

Idea City. ‘Michelle Rainey.’ (2008)

ProCon. ‘Grant Krieger Biography.’ (2008)

CBC News. ‘Judge Wants Medical Marijuana User to Get Pot in Jail.’ (2007)

The Globe and Mail. ‘B.C. Cannabis Crusader Promotes Budding Party.’ (2001)



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